Bird Haven at Urrbrae Wetland

A short walk into this amazing 4.5 hectare enclosure will bring many surprises. Once within the native vegetation, one can feel the peace and quiet, even though an almost endless stream of noisy traffic is only a stone's throw away on Cross Road.

It is no wonder that bird life abounds. Many species have discovered this area and even claimed the wetlands as their own territory. Not only can numerous species of water birds be seen, but many bushland birds have found the varying nectars and insects, on which they depend, here in this rapidly developing area of native bushland. All this vegetation has been planted over the last ten years or so, and only species native to this region have been chosen.

It has been exciting to see that some bird species are now so at home that breeding has occurred. The smaller water birds have bred safely on the man-made islands and reedy shoreline areas away from predators such as domestic cats and foxes. The young of several duck species, Australasian Grebes and Dusky Moorhen have all been noted and nests of many bush birds have been spotted.

Welcome Swallows and Tree Martins are often seen swooping on insects hovering over the dam water areas, and other bird visitors often frequent this area. One or two Silver Gulls are occasionally seen resting on the boardwalks along with Little Black and Little Pied Comorants and White-faced Heron, all surveying the water for their next feed.

Early morning carolling of our Australian Magpies and other familiar calls of Kookaburras, Doves, Little Corellas and Galahs, and the rattling calls of the colourful Rosellas and Lorikeets can be heard throughout the seasons, but springtime brings the amazing song from the Clamorous Reed-Warbler to delight those folk who pass by.

Next time you are passing the Urrbrae Wetlands, pause and listen. Even if you cannot see the bird life, you'll be surprised as to what does inhabit this wonderful site. (Courtesy of Jo G.)

The following bird species have been recorded at Urrbrae Wetland. Most of the photos were also taken at Urrbrae Wetland, the ones which are not taken at Urrbrae Wetland have the location displayed above the photo. To view any further photos, select the name below the photo.